Plant Trolley – Timber, Indoor & Outdoor


Plant Trolleys are an essential addition to your home or workplace. Gone are the back breaking days of dragging or lifting heavy plants around. Our trolleys offer a safe & easy solution allowing you to rearrange those heavy items as often as you want.

  • Suitable for indoor & outdoor use
  • Maneuvered heavy pots & planters with ease
  • 150kg max weight
  • 300, 380 & 500mm Dia. options.
  • Quality German design and castors
  • FSC Certified Timber


Moving those heavy items by lifting or dragging them, can not only cause damage to your back if not done correctly, it can also damage your floor covering. Our trolley provide a perfect solution allowing you to easily maneuver your pots & planters where you want.

  • Range of designs in metal & timber
  • Capable of taking heavy loads
  • Different castors for specific applications

500mm Dia., 300mm Dia., 380mm Dia.